Presentation and Moderation Guidelines

Presentation and Moderation Guidelines

Welcome to the LUPUS 2025 resources page for speakers, presenters and moderators designed to guide you in your preparation for the LUPUS 2025 Congress. Reference the section below specific to your presenter type/role within the congress and follow the outlined steps. If you have any questions, please contact


As a session chair/moderator you will need to:

  • Register for the congress* (you will be contacted by the Congress Organizers with a designated faculty registration link)
  • Provide the required information in your LUPUS 2025 online profile** which includes:
    • completing the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
    • submitting a biography and a photograph (headshot) for the congress portal
  • Follow the moderation guidelines applicable to you based on the session you were assigned to*** (detailed guidelines will be sent to all chairs/moderators closer to the congress)

*If you will not be able to attend the congress in Toronto, please contact us urgently at
**A link was emailed to chairs and moderators in CME-accredited sessions. If you did not receive it, please email us at:

***Please note that while unlikely, session times may change. For the most updated details, please always check the interactive program and closer to the congress – the mobile application.  

As an invited speaker in a plenary, debate, patient, scientific, meet-the-professor or fishbowl discussion session you will need to:

  • Register for the congress* (you will be contacted by the Congress Organizers with a designated faculty registration link)
  • Provide the required information in your LUPUS 2025 online profile** which includes:
    • completing the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
    • submitting a biography and a photograph (headshot) for the congress portal
  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation following the guidelines below
    • Upload your final PowerPoint slide deck to the Speaker’s Ready Room (SRR) onsite***
  • Present your talk onsite at your designated session time. To check your schedule, please visit the interactive program and type your name in the name search.****

*If you will be unable to present onsite in Toronto, please contact us urgently at
**A link was emailed to you, if you did not receive it, please email us at

***Please note that uploading your slide deck to the SRR onsite at least one hour before the beginning of your session is mandatory even if you have previously sent it via email.
****Please note that while unlikely, session times may change. For the most updated details, please always check the interactive program
and closer to the congress – the mobile application. 

As an oral abstract presenter in a concurrent or scientific hybrid session you will need to:

  • Register for the congress* by the announced registration deadline for abstract presenters.
  • Provide the required information in your LUPUS 2025 online profile** which includes:
    • completing the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
    • submitting a biography and a photograph (headshot) for the congress portal
  • Prepare your talk and a PowerPoint presentation following the guidelines below
    • For oral abstract presenters in concurrent sessions – 8 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for Q&A
    • For outstanding oral presenters in scientific hybrid sessions – 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A
  • Upload your final PowerPoint slide deck to the Speaker’s Ready Room (SRR) onsite***
  • Present your talk onsite at your designated session time. To check your schedule, please visit the interactive program and type your name in the name search.****

*If you or another of your co-authors will not be able to attend the congress in Toronto, please contact us urgently at
**A link will be emailed to you shortly. If you do not receive it by the end of February, please email us at:

***Please note that uploading your slide deck to the SRR onsite at least one hour before the beginning of your session is mandatory even if you have previously sent it via email.
****Please note that while unlikely, session times may change. For the most updated details, please always check the interactive program and closer to the congress – the mobile application. 

As a poster tour presenter you will need to:

  • Register for the congress* by the announced registration deadline for abstract presenters.
  • Prepare a poster/E-Poster following the guidelines below (detailed guidelines will be provided shortly).
  • Prepare a short talk for your presentation slot in a designated poster tour session. Each presenter has 6 minutes including short Q&A.
  • Present your talk onsite at your designated session time. To check your schedule, please visit the interactive program and type your name in the name search.**

*If you or another of your co-authors will not be able to attend the congress in Toronto, please contact us urgently at
**Please note that while unlikely, session times may change. For the most updated details, please always check the interactive program and closer to the congress – the mobile application. 

As a poster viewing presenter you will need to:

  • Register for the congress* by the announced registration deadline for abstract presenters.
  • Prepare a poster/E-Poster** following the guidelines below (detailed guidelines will be provided shortly).

*If you or another of your co-authors will not be able to attend the congress in Toronto, please contact us urgently at
*Please note: Abstracts accepted as regular posters for poster viewing are not assigned exact presentation times. Instead, presenting authors are kindly asked to stand by their posters during coffee and lunch breaks and interact with other attendees interested in their work. In order to increase the engagement in the poster area and allow for higher visibility of your work, the congress organizers may designate specific times in the schedule for the different poster topics.
Presenting authors of regular posters will be contacted by the end of February 2025 with detailed guidelines on how to prepare their posters, as well as mounting and removal times. 


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation if you are:

  • Invited speaker in a plenary, debate, patient, scientific, meet-the-professor or fishbowl discussion session
  • Presenter of an abstract selected for oral or outstanding oral presentation in a concurrent or scientific hybrid session

Please note:

In compliance with CME/CPD requirements, all speakers and oral abstract presenters are requested either to disclose any conflicts of interest or to include in their presentation a statement that they have none.

  • The first slide of your presentation must be your name and presentation title.
  • The second slide should be the disclosure slide. If you have nothing to disclose, please add “No Disclosures”. You can download a template from the PPT Template tab below.
  • We recommend that you label all slides that include unpublished data with a title: “UNPUBLISHED DATA – DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE”.
  • The copying and recording of the presented content is prohibited. Presenters are encouraged to indicate in their presentations that the presented content shall not be shared or copied.
    To aid in this, a digital graphic image may be incorporated into the poster. Click HERE to download.

  • Format: Your presentation should be prepared in .PPT or .PPTX format.
  • Ratio: Please note that the conference computers in the session Halls are supplied with Office 2019 (at least) and the native ratio of the projection on the screens in the Halls is 16:9. Click HERE for information on how to change the ratio to 16:9 in PowerPoint in order to avoid misplacement of text and pictures when presenting.
  • Further Guidelines: For further tips and guidelines for your presentation, click HERE.
  • DOWNLOAD the standard LUPUS 2025 PowerPoint slide deck template applicable to oral abstract presentations (concurrent and scientific hybrid sessions) and invited speaker lectures (plenary, debate, patient, scientific, meet-the-professor or fishbowl discussion session).
  • You can bring your slides to the Speaker’s Ready Room (SRR) on a USB stick. The SRR will be clearly signposted onsite and further information on its location and opening hours will be poster here closer to the Congress.
  • You are asked to only use the congress computers in the session halls for presentation purposes. We will not be able to support lecture slides presented on personal computers.
  • Please note that your slides must be finalized and ready on the day of your session.*
  • Please upload your presentation slides in the SRR as soon as you arrive at the venue in the morning and at least 1 hour before the start of the session.
  • If you combine video clips with PowerPoint, please make sure to test it in the SRR during a coffee or lunch break prior to your session and at least 2 hours before the start of the session. In the SRR, a technician will assist you in checking whether the sound and picture from the video are transmitted well. Please make sure to repeat the test again during the break before your session in the session hall at the AV table to avoid technical issues.

*Please note that in accordance with the CME/CPD accreditation requirements, you may be requested to submit your presentation slides in advance of the congress via email. In such a case, you will be contacted directly by the congress organizers with more information. Sending the slides via email is only for review purposes and you are still required to upload the slides in the Speaker’s Ready Room onsite at least 1 hour before your session.

To use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer, please note that you need to prepare your presentation according to the instructions below, before taking it to the Speakers’ Ready Room:

  1. Convert it to PowerPoint or PDF.
  2. Use a common font, such as Arial or Calibri (Special characters might be changed to a default font on a PowerPoint-based PC).
  3. Insert the images as JPG or JPEG. The following file types will NOT be visible on a PowerPoint based PC – TIF, PNG or PICT.


Detailed poster/E-Poster guidelines including dimensions, mounting and removal hours, upload deadline, etc. will be published here and shared with all presenting authors in due course.


For more details on LUPUS 2025, please review the FAQ page as well.


To promote your participation in the LUPUS 2025 Congress, please refer to our Promotional Toolkit page where you can find banners, adverts and more. We look forward to welcoming you to Toronto in May 2025!